Tips for Saving Water

We are delighted to share with you our Tips for Saving Water as part of our Sustainability in your Childminding Home series.

Water is the most important resource in the world and yet many of us take it for granted, never questioning where it comes from or where it goes. Therefore, before exploring methods to save water, it is essential to first understand what water is and why it is such a precious resource.

There is lots of information about water available online or if you prefer, take the children to your local library where you will find plenty of engaging stories and material that will help children have a better understanding of the importance of saving water.

Here are some links that we have sourced to get you started:

Top 10 Facts About Water! – Fun Kids – the UK’s children’s radio station (

Water Education in Schools | Conservation | Uisce Éireann (formerly Irish Water)

6 Free Children’s Books about Water – Worldreader

Fun Activities – Kids and Teachers – Water Use It Wisely

How to motivate your children to save water:

  • Encourage the children to turn off the tap while they are brushing their teeth and to only turn it on when they need to rinse. Give them a cup to use to rinse rather than running the water. Make sure they turn off the tap completely when they are finished.
  • Play a 5-minute song when the child is having a shower to keep showers under 5 minutes.
  • Provide the children with a Watering Can to help you water the plants instead of a hose, explaining to them that they are using less water this way.
  • Water the plants in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation and once again explain the reason why we do this.
  • Collecting and using rainwater has many benefits, not only environmental but it is ideal for your plants. Using natural soft rainwater does not contain any chemicals that is found in tap water. To discover some of the best ways to collect rainwater, click here.
  • Ask the children to tell you if they notice dripping taps and fix them as soon as possible.
  • When washing anything outside, such as slides etc, use a bucket of water rather than a hose.
  • If the children help to load the dishwasher or washing machine, remind them you will only run it when you have it full and in this way, you are saving water.
  • Pour leftover water in a basin rather than pouring it down the sink and reuse it to water plants.
  • Encourage creativity and engagement by asking the children to make posters that will demonstrate water conservation and place them around the house. These will serve as a visual reminder for everyone in the house to save water.
  • Play some fun and engaging games with the children to encourage them to save water. These may include creating an age-appropriate quiz based on water or some online games that you will find here. Reward the children when they win or have the correct answer as this will boost motivation.
  • Always remember to praise the children for their water saving efforts. Maybe present them with a homemade “Water Hero” sticker. Most importantly, explain to them the difference their actions make in ensuring that our planet stays beautiful and healthy.
  • Ask the children to share the water saving tips they have learned from you with their family so they can also implement water saving habits in their home.

We are sure there are many more ways we can all save water in our homes, however we hope the information we have shared here will be helpful to you. If you have any water saving tips you would like us to share, please email genvavat@puvyqzvaqvat.vr

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