Childminder Support
Helping childminders
start and maintain their business
Find a Childminder
Helping and advising
parents find the best childminder
Standing Up for Childminding
Promoting & advocating for
childminding at a time of change
Childminding is Changing

Childminders & Parents: Childminding Regulations took effect on 30 September 2024. A 3-year transition period is now underway. We are calling for a review in 18 months time. Read about how the National Childminding Association is standing up for childminding…
Starting a Childminding Business?
Childminding Ireland is the home of childminding. We are a not-for-profit organisation,
founded and run by childminders to provide free expert childminding advice.
We take the uncertainty out of starting your own childminding business and maintaining it.
Our members receive:
Business Starter
Pack only €75
Gives access to discounted insurance
Training, Guidance
& Advice
Supporting childminders every step of the way
Parents, find the childminder to best suit your family
Parents, let’s help you find the right childminder for your children and schedule.
All our childminders are Garda Vetted, Insured & Training Certified.